
4602-50 Street Red Deer, Alberta T4N1W9

Dental Care For Seniors

Advancing age can cause complications and health risks for seniors that need an exam and treatment. 

senior woman smiling

Dental Problems for Seniors 

  • Darkened teeth – Caused, to some extent, by changes in dentin — the bone-like tissue that underlies the tooth enamel — and by a lifetime of consuming stain-causing foods and beverages. 
  • Dry mouth – Caused by reduced saliva flow, which can be a result of cancer treatments that use radiation to the head and neck area, certain diseases, and medication side effects. 
  • A diminished sense of taste – While advancing age impairs the sense of taste, diseases, medications, and dentures can also contribute to this sensory loss
  • Root decay – This is caused by exposure of the tooth root to decay-causing acids. The tooth roots become exposed as gum tissue recedes from the tooth. 
  • Gum disease – Caused by plaque and made worse by food left in teeth, use of tobacco products, poor-fitting bridges and dentures, poor diets, and certain diseases, such as anemia, cancer, and diabetes, this is often a problem for older adults
  • Tooth loss – Gum disease is a leading cause of tooth loss
  • Uneven jawbone – This is caused by not replacing missing teeth. This allows the rest of the teeth to drift and shift into open spaces
  • Denture-induced stomatitis – Ill-fitting dentures, poor dental hygiene, or a fungus buildup – inflaming the tissue underlying a denture

Dental Exam

  1. Health History – We perform a thorough assessment of your health and dental history
  2. Examination and Cleaning – Will help scrape away tartar that causes gum disease 
  3. Advice – Ask any dental-related questions to your dentist or hygienist
  4. Maintenance – If you have a bridge, denture, or implant, a dental exam is a good opportunity to ask your dentist to make sure it’s in good shape